How witchcraft learning works

MANA : ZAI mana stockpile.

MANAMAX : The maximum amount of mana a ZAI can have in its gauge.

In order to gain mana and raise their gauge, ZAIs will need to complete a sorcery apprenticeship in a lab.

The owner of the laboratory does not pay his apprentices.

The first 2 apprenticeships in a lab earn 1000 manamax points for the ZAI gauge. The following apprenticeships will earn 100 manamax points. From 2000 manamax in his gauge, the ZAI becomes a wizard and it is possible to use alchemy.

A ZAI can only have a maximum of 10,000 mana points.

It is possible to buy mana potions in the potions marketplace.

A complete learning cycle lasts 24 hours. After these 24 hours another ZAI can take out the current ZAI and do a training in turn.

Mana gain

  • If the ZAI exits before 6 hours of learning it gains 0 mana.

  • If the ZAI goes out before 12 o'clock it gains 500 mana.

  • If the ZAI exits before 24 hours it gains 1000 mana.

  • If the ZAI exits or is exited before 36 hours it gains 2000 mana.

  • If the ZAI goes out or is out for more than 36 hours it gains 3000 mana.

Manamax gain

  • If the ZAI voluntarily exits before 24 hours of learning, he gains 0 manamax points.

  • The first 2 full 24-hour apprenticeships give 1000 manamax points.

  • Each subsequent 24-hour learning period earns 100 manamax points.

Last updated