Sales and reservation deadlines

Eggs' sale is conditioned with the following deadlines

  • A nursery can sell a maximum of 5 Bronze eggs every 16 hours.

  • Once the 5 bronze eggs have been sold, a Silver egg will be put on sale after 16 hours.

During this 16-hour period, the owner of the nursery will have the opportunity to purchase this egg himself. The purchase of this egg is conditional upon the owner of the nursery burning from his income the equivalent of the average price (of all nurseries) of the egg in question.

Example: Monday 06am the 5 bronze eggs are sold. Until Monday 10pm the owner will be able to burn xBZAI (average price of a silver egg in all nurseries) from his income (nursery, training center, lab) against the silver egg. If the amount of income is less than the average price of the egg, the owner cannot buy the egg, and the egg will automatically be put on sale to the community on Monday at 10pm.

Distribution of earnings from the sale of an egg

  • 80% of the BZAIs go to the owner of the nursery.

  • 10% of BZAIs are burned.

  • 10% are distributed in the rewards pools.

Last updated